Monument Academy East PTO

For Up-to-Date EAST PTO information, please go to!
- Stephanie Warner President -
- Melody Pautzke Vice President -
- Amy Saber Treasurer -
- Tiffany Blecha Secretary -
- Vacant -
- Brianna Bruce -
Let's Connect

Let’s connect on facebook. @MAEastPTO
Welcome Letter
Hello MA families and welcome to the MA East PTO. We have an exciting year planned, supporting both our middle school and high school teachers and staff. We will have our one big fundraiser for the year: the Lynx Warrior Games. In response to the parent/teacher survey we are raising money for much needed outdoor items for the entire school and providing 6 teachers and staff appreciation events throughout the year. The other way the PTO supports our teachers is with quarterly “stock the teacher lounge” events. Be on the lookout for grade specific sign-up genius for this event. We are always looking for more volunteers and parents that would like to be involved; never hesitate to ask questions or reach out to us.
Thanks so much
MA East PTO president
How You Can Support Your MA East PTO

King Soopers Reward Program
Our Monument Academy EAST PTO King Soopers community rewards program is now active. Every time you shop, we earn a portion to use for our school. It is super easy to set-up and automatic every time after that. It does not take away from your personal fuel points, coupons, etc.
- Log on to your personal account on (can’t do it from app)
- Click “My Account” under Valued Customer tab at the top of the page
- Click Community Rewards (menu on left side)
- Add an organization by typing in Monument Academy, then click Monument Academy account AJ 386
- Enroll!
Thanks for your support!
Tiffany Blecha, MA East PTO Secretary
Amazon and Paypal
PTO East dates for the 2022-2023 School Year
Date | Event |
August 15 | Spirit Wear Sale 11-12:30 |
August 16 | Spirit Wear Sale 11-12:30 |
August 17 | Welcome Back Teacher Lunch and Gift Cards |
August 17 | PTO Fundraiser at Lolley's |
August 19 | PTO Meeting at East Campus 8:30 am |
September 9 | PTO Meeting 8:30am |
September 23 | Lynx Warrior Games/PTO Fundraiser |
October 19 | 2nd Quarter Stock the Teacher's Lounge |
October 12 | PTO Lunch during Parent-Teacher Conference |
December 16 | PTO Holiday Party with Staff |
January 3 | PTO Teacher Lunch |
February 21-24 | Teacher Appreciation Week |
May 12 | End of Year Ice Cream Party |