Instructional Materials Fees

These student fees are to offset costs associated with consumable instructional materials such as workbooks, textbooks, art, band, drama, and music supplies, testing and assessment materials, technology and library materials, foreign language supplies, physical education equipment, laboratory materials and supplies as well as student planners.  The fees will be applied to each student account and are due at the beginning of each year unless other arrangements have been made through the school’s business office.

Monument Academy will waive fees for those students who meet eligibility requirements and guidelines set for free and reduced-priced meals, and whose parent or guardian, prior to the start of the academic school year, makes an application for waiver of fees.  For detailed information, eligibility requirements, or to print an application, click on this link: Free and Reduced Lunch Application

We appreciate all you do for MA and look forward to helping you in any way meet this obligation. Should this be a burden on any family, please contact the school office and speak to the principal.

Please pay your school fees for the 2024-2025 school year prior to August 14, 2024.

Fees for the 2024-2025 school year are below:

Instructional Materials Fees Schedule

Payment by check may be mailed or given to the front desk.
For payment by credit card, please contact
Beginning August 9th, you will have the option to pay electronically via ParentSquare.

Your fees and payments are posted on Infinite Campus. Fees for an upcoming school year are attached to student accounts over the summer.



Monument Academy has developed an avenue of charitable giving that empowers individuals, families and organizations to advise the school how to use their donations.  Donors may advise MA with respect to their donation as to the specific area of operations, classroom, project, etc.  and the school will make every attempt to honor the donor’s wishes as far as it is legally or operationally possible.

Learn More or Make a donation Here