
Kyle Hall

Second Grade Teacher

Shannon Kittelson

Second Grade Teacher Assistant

Lindsey Lokowich

Second Grade Lead Teacher

Lindsey Ray

Second Grade Teacher

Paige Walker

Second Grade Teacher



1st Quarter

  • Math: comparing numbers to 1,ooo, addition fact fluency, creating and reading patterns, identifying polygons, exploring “half” of a set, and the relationship between addition and subtraction
  • ELA: reading and understanding decodable text, understanding nonfiction/information text, learning and applying grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words, using and producing complete, simple and compound sentences orally and in writing
  • History/Social Studies: fairy tales and tall tales, early Asian civilizations, and the ancient Greek civilization

2nd Quarter

  • Math: attributes of lines and exploring length, naming and writing fractions, using graphs to represent data, using a number line to show computation and addition problems
  • ELA: asking and answering questions to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text, recount stories to determine the central message, lesson, or moral of a story. We will work to describe overall story structure, know and apply phonics skills to decode words, read grade-level text with purpose and understanding
  • Science: cycles found in nature.
  • History/Social Studies: Greek myths and the War of 1812

3rd Quarter

  • Math: concepts of time and understanding when and how to use the labels of a.m. and p.m. to describe times of the day, problem solving strategies, including Looking for a Pattern, Drawing a Picture,and Acting Out a Problem, mental computation skills, gain an understanding of capacity, compare numbers, the subtraction algorithm, estimation and exploring area
  • ELA: introducing spelling alternatives for vowel sounds, knowing and applying grade-level phonics and decoding skills and identifying words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound correspondences. Students will work towards reading with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. We will focus on writing narratives as well.
  • Science: Insects
  • History/Social Studies: westward expansion and the U.S. Civil War
  • Field Trip & Special Activities: Four Mile Historic Park, Pioneer Day

4th Quarter

  • Math: identifying 3-dimensional shapes, multiplication, modeling problem solving situations relating to multiplication and division, pictographs and bar graphs, division, mode and range, along with graphing data
  • ELA: several new spelling alternatives for vowel and consonant sounds as well as decodable text. Students will also write informative texts.
  • Science: human body and nutrition
  • History/Social Studies: immigration and the history of the civil rights movement